By obtaining a data command via OnConfigureSelectCommand(TDataCommand) and then running that command, this inversion control method handles the request to obtain all TEntity
entities from the underlying relational data store.
Name | Description |
OnGet() | By obtaining a data command via OnConfigureSelectCommand(TDataCommand) and then running that command, this inversion control method handles the request to obtain all TEntity entities from the underlying relational data store. |
OnGet(OrderBy) | By obtaining a data command via OnConfigureSelectCommand(TDataCommand,OrderBy) and then running that command, this inversion control method handles the request to obtain all TEntity entities from the underlying relational data store and in the order defined by OrderBy. |
OnGet(OrderBy, Paging) | By obtaining a data command via OnConfigureSelectCommand(TDataCommand,OrderBy,Paging) and then running that command, this inversion control method handles the request to obtain all TEntity entities in the read segment defined by Paging and in the order defined by OrderBy. |
OnGet(Where) | By obtaining a data command via OnConfigureSelectCommand(TDataCommand,Where) and then running that command, this inversion control method handles the request to obtain all TEntity entities in compliance with the Where filtering criteria. |
OnGet(Where, OrderBy) | By obtaining a data command via OnConfigureSelectCommand(TDataCommand,Where,OrderBy) and then running that command, this inversion control method handles the request to obtain all TEntity entities in compliance with the Where filtering criteria and in the order defined by OrderBy. |
OnGet(Where, OrderBy, Paging) | By obtaining a data command via OnConfigureSelectCommand(TDataCommand,Where,OrderBy,Paging) and then running that command, this inversion control method handles the request to obtain in the order defined by OrderBy, all TEntity entities in the read segment defined by Paging and in compliance with the Where filtering criteria. |
OnGet(TFilteringCriteria) | Handles the request to obtain all TEntity entities in compliance with the TFilteringCriteria. (inherited from Dao<TEntity, TEntityCollection, TDataContext, TFilteringCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>). |
OnGet(TFilteringCriteria, TOrderingCriteria) | Handles the request to obtain all TEntity entities in compliance with the TFilteringCriteria and in the order defined by TOrderingCriteria. (inherited from Dao<TEntity, TEntityCollection, TDataContext, TFilteringCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>). |
OnGet(TFilteringCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria) | Handles the request to obtain in the order defined by TOrderingCriteria, all TEntity entities in the read segment defined by TPagingCriteria and in compliance with the TFilteringCriteria. (inherited from Dao<TEntity, TEntityCollection, TDataContext, TFilteringCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>). |